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neosync sync


Learn how to sync data to a local destination with the neosync sync CLI command.

The neosync sync command is used to sync data from a neosync connection to a local destination. Supported sources and destinations are currently postgres and mysql.


neosync sync


The following options can be passed using the neosync sync command:

  • --api-key - Neosync API Key. Takes precedence over $NEOSYNC_API_KEY
  • --config - Path to yaml config. Defaults to neosync.yaml in current directory.
  • --connection-id - Neosync connection id for sync data source. Takes precedence over config.
  • --destination-connection-url - Local destination connection url to sync data to. Takes precedence over config.
  • --destination-driver - Destination connection driver (postgres, mysql). Takes precendence over config.
  • --truncate-before-insert - Truncates the table before inserting data. This will not work with Foreign Keys.
  • --truncate-cascade - Truncate cascades to all tables. Only supported for postgres.
  • --init-schema - Creates the table schema and its constraints.
  • --output - Sets output type (auto, plain, tty). (default auto).

Yaml Config File

connection-id: d9dc020d-746b-48c1-9319-a165a25ac32e
connection-url: user:pass@tcp(
driver: mysql
truncate-before-insert: false
truncate-cascade: false
init-schema: false